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 WTJ xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa]

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WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] Empty
PostSubject: WTJ xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa]   WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 01, 2011 12:42 pm

1.Personal Information

- Nickname: xIxFLIPxIx
- Class and Level: warrior, 160
- Age: 20
- Nationality: Romanian
- Languages that you are able to speak (english is a must): Romanian, English, and i`m able to understand few words in Spanish and Italian too, i guess... Smile
- Are you a premium/bb+ user?
Not at the moment;

2.Character Information

- Hounour Rank: 10(21%) -> ( when i will afford higher grade jewelery, i will increase it Smile )
- Nation: Procyon
- Alt. characters (their nicknames): BlackScorpi0n[bl] , DarknessSM [wi]
- When did you start playing Cabal on Jupiter? 2007
- (If you craft) What do you craft, on what level? Level 6, Basic craft.
- Equipment:
Weapon(s): Titanium GS 48%CD 20 CR +10 (atm)
Boots: Osm Armor +9 7% s.amp
Gloves: Tit Armor +9 7% s.amp / 5 atack
Helm: Osm Armor +6 36% CD ( keep failing... )
Suit: Osm Armor +9 / 7 amp / 50 hp
Rings/Amulet: Merga / RoL+2 / CR +2 x 2 / Pain +5
Bracelets/Earrings: BoF +3 slotted x2 / VE +5 x2 ( not a charming drosnin yet... )
Epaulet: EoF +6 ( eof +7 next on buying list )
Pet (Level and slots): 10: 2% hp steal, 1% cr, 1% max rate, 2% min dmg, rest of options don`t deserve to be mentioned.
-exp lvl 10.
-party xp lvl 9
-pet xp lvl5
- gattering ap points for new rune.... ( 166 atm ) just didn`t decided yet which one i`ll buy, but atack will be most likely...

3.Other Information

- Old guild: FrostBite
- Reasons for leaving: was time for a change, after 1 year and few months, i realised many of us quitted, and the newcomers were staying in guild just for 1 day, then leave...
- Did you ever get a ban? (In case you did) Why? certainly not !
- Why do you want to join Kirai? Popular guild, trying to make some new friends... and trying to improve my english, for several reasons.
- Why should we accept you? After all, is a game, and how else could we enjoy it and have fun while playing, if not together ? Ofc you can bring arguments about what i said above, but still, i hope you got the main ideea.
- Friends in Kirai guild (recommended): I don`t have friends in guild, yet..
- How many hours do you play per day / week? -> 2-12 hours per day... depends...
- What do you prefer to do in game? (e.g.: solo dungeons, party ones, tg, boss hunt, etc..)
Obviously, party dungeons, and tg. If i want solo, i would play something else.

4.What do you think ?

- Kirai is a friendly guild, we don't accept those, who pk our friendlies. What do you think about this?
Can`t agree more..
- We have a lot to offer you, what can you offer us?
First of all, friendship, support, you`re welcome to ask for crafts, feel free to communicate..
- Where did you hear about us, what do you think about our guild?
Well, as i said above, Kirai is a popular guild. I saw many old players joining the
- In case you get accepted, you'll have to pass a trial time. Is that fine for you?
I would do the same, with my new members, so i don`t see an inconvenient.
-As for last question :
"personality > items
skills > items
friendship > everything else"
what do you think about it ?
Totally agree...

- Feel free to add anything you want here:

I hope i`ll get the chance to know you guys, even if it will be during the trial session.
Enjoy the game..
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Male Posts : 756
Birthday : 1992-11-29
Join date : 2010-08-28
Age : 31
Location : Spoleto-Italy

WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTJ xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa]   WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 9:30 am

We'll let you know the reponse as soon as we can.
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Male Posts : 756
Birthday : 1992-11-29
Join date : 2010-08-28
Age : 31
Location : Spoleto-Italy

WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTJ xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa]   WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 02, 2011 11:46 pm

We noticed that you are a well known scammer, tue or not we are not going to risk anything, bye.
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WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTJ xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa]   WTJ  xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa] I_icon_minitime

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WTJ xIxFLIPxIx [ Wa]
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